You can’t solve it all with your mind alone

You can’t solve it all with your mind alone

You can’t solve it all with your mind alone

You can’t solve it all with your mind alone

You can’t solve it all with your mind alone

Bring back the body

Sweat body + Embodied coaching

movement and awareness practices to reconnect to the essence of who you are

Welcome to graceful movement

I am a teacher and guide for self inquiry and the process of emotional maturing. I teach a pathway to embracing the fullness of life, expanding the capacity for joy as a much as for grief.

through the body,

always through the body.

I teach non-competitive workouts that welcome all of you, in the form of Sweat Body and Barre Classes.

I’m an Embodiment Coach and Nervous System Educator, teaching how to live expansively by developing the resilience needed to begin feeling again, without overwhelm or suppression.

The essence of what I teach is an ancient wisdom, laced into the philosophy of yoga, Buddhist teachings and feminine energetics, as well as modern psychology. I teach the stuff that I have been learning and integrating into my own life, it comes through me so that you can receive it as fully as possible. It is much more than just theory, everything I teach, I embody first. That is how I know how to support you when you hit bumps, come against resistance or feel like you’ve lost your way, because I’ve been there myself.

Everything you will do with me is dedicated to the skills of befriending the body, understanding the mind and remembering the truth of who you are by aligning the intelligence of all 3 of those elements. Essentially, I am here to guide you back to what you already know and the power that lives within you.

All of this so you can live your most fulfilling, loving life.

Book a class or get in touch

join the mailing list for dates in 2024

for more information, click here

what i’m here for.

befriend your body. understand your mind.

That’s what embodiment invites you do to. Add to that remembering that your true nature is divine, that there is life force moving through you that vitalises you + connects you to everything. Aligning all 3 elements (mind, body, spirit) is what expands your ability to live in truth and power. The body has the potential to feel and inform, far beyond the realms of what the mind can perceive. Often, we get in our own way of actually being able to experience this, because of the conditioning of the mind, that tries to keep a tight grip of control.

Acknowledging the wisdom of the material and subtle bodies can support you in reprogramming the patterns and habits that limit your ability to connect, create, receive, give, love, enjoy, [insert whatever the thing is you are seeking]. the path towards it, is embodied.

mind. body. mystery.

My work is for people who have been tentatively treading the line between normalised and radical and are ready to cross over to radical. Radical love, understanding and acceptance, as a non-negotiable foundation to practice with, imperfectly and with devotion. None of the this transformative work can happen inside the mind alone. When you work with me, you’ll put into practice all the brilliant concepts, ideas and theories that you most likely already know, at least on a rational level, but haven’t yet managed to integrate into actual living.

I do this work for myself and for anyone who doesn’t want to pretend any more. I’m here for the perfectionists, the ‘everything’s fine’ addicts, control freaks and especially for the avoidants, as long as you’re ready to see yourself. I’m here for anyone who wants to develop a dependable relationship to their body and nervous system, who seeks radical self acceptance and can entertain the idea that we are all actually very capable of doing good in the world and living expansive, joyful, creative lives.

"by virtue of your existence, you are deserving of receiving the gifts that life bestows upon you”

There is a reason that statements like that make us feel uncomfortable.

Most of the time, we’re conditioned into genuinely believing that we need to earn the fruits of our life, instead of trusting in the inherently good nature that is a part of us all. This conditioning feeds into competition, perfectionism, attempting to control everything and an unending sense of not being good enough. Ever. It severs the connection to the truth of who we are. We can spend a long time trying to get proof that we are worthy of love and belonging, when all we need to do is remember the essence of who we are.

So we work to remember. I teach you how to recognise sub-conscious limiting beliefs, to develop body awareness instead of disassociating, so that forgotten sensations become rich sources of information, that effect the way you perceive your mind and the world around you.

An essential part of my work is inviting in mystery and uncertainty. Developing trust in the forces that hold you, in the parts of you that serve your highest interests - even, especially - when that disrupts, challenges and demands that you stop abandoning yourself.

We do it slowly, and work with interdisciplinary mind body practices such as post-lineage yoga, dance, somatic bodywork, mindfulness, bodyfulness and breath work.

about me


We’ll work together to map your intentions, I will design classes uniquely for you, either as a one off or on a regular basis. Part of my teaching involves pointing to patterns or habits that you have not been aware of yourself, so that we can begin to work with reprogramming them. We will work slowly, especially in confronting moments and we will always work towards aligning mind, body and spirit.

Or book an embodied anatomy + alignment session or a 1-2-1 Workout tailored to your personal goals and needs.

CLICK HERE to arrange a free initiation conversation.

An extended workshop combining philosophy + discussion with movement. I introduce a relevant theme to work with an integrate beyond the class.

book here

We cannot hope to feel better simply by (maybe) finding a moment of relaxation once a week in a yoga class. Equally we cannot get to know our bodies by subjecting them to vigorous routines whilst we disassociate from them entirely. Graceful Movement is a weekly interdisciplinary practice for remembering your body, observing your mind and re-connecting to the conscious energy that moves you. In these classes you will learn how to apply Yoga to your daily life, whilst moving in diverse ways that increase your sense of body awareness.

book here


Aerobics, barre, strength and cardio conditioning, sexy playful moods, radical moments of resting, not giving a f*ck if you get the steps wrong.

book here


on the topic of letting go, a short film by Rebecca Ruetten



Grace is a wonderful human being. She opened up the world of dragon dance for me and teaches how to balance community and the ego with movement, repetition and diving into one’s self. Her yoga sessions are just lovely, too. It’s always worth participating. I am very grateful for her classes being a part of my life. Highly recommended.

- Nina Gilch


“Dragon dance has been an essential part of our week and health regime. Grace has made it fun and challenging and I also really appreciate her weekly philosophical and spiritual musings and inspirations”

- Taro Franke


“How much routine, grounding, awarenss and conscious slowing down you bless us with. It’s not ‘just yoga’ but therapy for mind, body and soul. Keeping us sane in insane times”

- Elisabeth Schroeder


“Yoga with Grace improved my body image and back pain significantly”

- Maria


“Grace, you incredible woman, I am so happy I joined foreplay last night. I'm usually not a big fan of evening workouts, but it felt so good to let go, move, shake it all off, sweat, and be in such great company. I loved the different sections, the music was simply dope, and you are the most magical being. Thank you for keeping the good energy swirling around, for the empowering, nurturing words, and your courage.”

- Claudia Mandelli


“I took some barre classes before but it was not comparable with yesterdays experience. I felt so light and relaxed after the class and I loved the music. It felt like true body positive workout”

- Ola, Spain


zero tolerance policy

All my offerings are intended to be welcoming and as safe as is possible, to all bodies. Therefore an absolute zero tolerance policy towards racism, ableism, ageism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia and any identity based discrimination is in place. Anyone who does not comply with this policy will be asked to leave.

If you attend any class or event where you experience or witness discrimination or feel in anyway excluded or insecure, please notify me in person, by mail or phone (contact page of this website) so that I can support you. Any conflict resolution or counter action will only be enacted upon with the permission of the person/s who experience the offending behaviour. I will always prioritise listening to the voice of the person/s who feel offended or vulnerable.