about my classes

Movement and Mindfulness that celebrate and respect your body, brain and spirit.

The purpose of my work is to defy each and every myth from the fitness and wellness industry that wants you to believe there is something wrong with you. You are just fine as you are and you deserve so much more. I teach classes that help you to find movements you like, with a good balance between challenges and rest, I encourage you to express yourself when you move, to shake your ass and drop the mask.

Whether you join me for a workout or come to practice Yoga, I teach how to befriend the body, understand the mind and connect with mystery. This is the thread that runs through every one of my classes, even if you think you’ve just come to work out, I will teach you how to do that without punishing and rejecting yourself.

Non-competitive Dance workout

Sweat Body follows a set of choreographed steps that are specifically NOT designed to be done perfectly, but rather to bring you in touch with how it feels to move to music and express yourself. Each month a new routine & a new killer mixtape. We work on developing coordination, strength and stamina. Sweat Body is a perfectionist recovery practice, an invitation to transcend shame and embrace bliss. Strengthen your mind as well as your body, by indulging just as much in demanding movements as you do in rest and taking breaks.

There is zero talk of weight loss and trimming or shrinking body parts. Instead come and develop strength, aerobic stamina and your self-respect.

Mondays - Sweat Body 815 at Hi! Yoga! Wednesdays - Sweat Body 1830 + Myofascia Stretching 1930 at Authentic Body Control
Thursday Sweat Body 12:30 at Vea Studio

Stretching + Mobility

This is a class based on the technique created by French osteopath, Guy VOYER that is designed to improve the quality of soft tissue and how the different layers move in relation to one another to improve function, mobility and flexibility. It’s the perfect class to do after Sweat Body on a Wednesday night at Authentic Body Control

Wednesday 1930-2015 at Authentic Body Control

mind, body, mystery

This is my Yoga class. I teach deeply, so that you can apply what you learn way beyond the mat you learn it on. You’ll learn tools for befriending your body, so that it becomes supportive in understanding the mind and it’s conditioning. I channel mystery and the intangible that exists beyond the limited realm of the mind, the place where everything co-exists. This I do especially for the control freaks and over thinkers.

The movement principles are interdisciplinary and out of the box, the philosophy and the wisdom that informs what I teach is Yoga. I intentionally challenge the expectations you come along with and guide you towards being able to see yourself clearly, including the bits you’ve been rejecting or avoiding, or the places where you are trying too hard to control. I ask you to show up open and curious and point out where you are stuck on your entitled rigid thinking. It’s deep work that can be confronting, but don’t worry, I will hold you in an extremely skilled, loving way so that you can develop the trust you need to go there, in spite of yourself.

The classes are designed to take you through different states of being, shifting intensity and focus, expanding the agility of your nervous system to prepare you for observing the truth, even when it can be deeply confronting. This is essential to those who wish to grow beyond their sub conscious patterns from controlling the way they think, behave and live.

Monday’s 2000-2130 at Yellow Yoga (Gelber Raum) book through Yellow


The Barre Workout incorporates techniques from Ballet, Pilates and mat strength and conditioning training.

I teach to mind blowing, specifically curated playlists that will help you to connect and move however you need.

This is not a workout to trick you into thinking you need to change or improve anything about your body. Instead come and learn to respect, celebrate and experience it in all of it's remarkable states. You will work with your own body weight and resistance and occasionally additional hand weights or studio equipment.

The focus of the workout is on small, concentric contractions performed repeatedly. Sometimes I’ll emphasise more the cardio workout, other times more strength, or technique. Barre classes are demanding, but you'll be having so much fun, you might not even notice.

Mondays - Full Body Barre 9.15 at Hi! Yoga!
Thursdays - Cardio Barre 730 + Classic Barre 845 at Soulbase, John & Janes

once a month

Embodiment and Spirituality are complex practices, they are often treated as some of kind of sexy quick fix, or performative identity, reduced down to something where the essence is totally lost.

The truth is, the teachings themselves are simple, it is only that we have misunderstood or manipulated them. In these workshops I take time to return to the missing essence. I ask you to show up with openness and grace as I teach about self inquiry and reverence. I will reveal the places where we block and get in the way. I will remind you of your place of everything and the inner power you have to participate consciously in your life.

Between the teaching and the movement practice I facilitate writing exercises similar to journaling, to gradually move from intellectualising to sensing and eventually to moving it through the body. Bring your notebook and pen and an open heart and mind.

Once a month at Manteufellstrasse., 40. Saturday 10:30-12:30

Yoga + qi gong

A dance of yoga asana and qi gong, a practice embodying the responsibility of the individual with the responsibility of the collective. Rooted in Eastern science, philosophy and spirituality, the Dragon Dance is physically demanding and energetically stimulating. It’s repetitive, concentrated and provides a landscape for your to shift your state of awareness towards higher consciousness and connection.

Dragon Dance classes take place spontaneously in Monday night classes, or as workshops.

Go to the booking page

or check out the studio spaces