Making these sorts of introductions always feels a little forced and rather terrifying, I’m sure you know what I mean! On the other hand, it’s important to me that you know who I am and where I’m coming from, since so much of that is woven through the work I share. So.. deep breath! Here goes…

I am an identical twin and one of five siblings. The typical middle child, I have a strong will to keep the peace and mediate conflict. I am and have always been highly sensitive to my own emotions and those of others and I ‘m sure that this has lead me into offering the work that I do. I grew up in a small village not far from London, UK, left home for university when I was 18 and have never moved back. I lived in India for 2 years and since 2018 Berlin has been my home. I am very rooted to my family, all of whom reside in England.

Fairly early on after qualifying as a yoga teacher I had the opportunity to teach on teacher trainings. With far more enthusiasm than experience at the time, I launched myself into studying all of the material that was being taught on the course. Those 3 years were very formative for me, I exchanged with A LOT of prospective teachers and learnt a great deal about anatomy, alignment and philosophy. In hindsight I was far too inexperienced, but having a full-time yoga teaching job was a rich opportunity to submerge myself in the subjects of bodies, movement and meditation. I don’t teach on teacher trainings any more and have deliberately chosen to distance myself from spaces that tend to only scratch the surface, but I do consider this time of exposure and intensive learning a solid starting point and one of the foundational bricks of the house that surrounds me today.

Other bricks that make up that house include many years training in classical and contemporary dance and BA studies in social science and the politics of identity. I consider myself a social activist, feminist and an advocate for counter culture that centres on building sustainable communities.


I firmly believe a pitch of cynicism is a necessary coping strategy for life. I’m a pleasure seeker and advocate that love will save us all, if we could only bloomin’ well learn how to do it right.

I’m a book worm, a music fanatic of all varieties, a huge fan of radio and audio broadcasts and a bedroom/kitchen/train station kind of dancer. I co-create the program for Apuro, the mind body workshop and debate hub for Waking Life, a music and arts festival in rural Portugal. My secret dream is to become a radio DJ, where I’d get to create infinite different sets of music, all aired between short musings and commentaries on the world, the human experience and ways to remind us to accept and find pleasure in ourselves and each other. Since I am not likely to become a DJ anytime soon, I take a similar approach to curating my classes.

My personal daily mantra is ‘I am compassionately assertive’, a regular reminder to myself that heart centred, clear yet flexible boundaries are non-negotiable. I am also very keen on direct non-violent communication. These two commitments are regularly challenged which I take as confirmation of their importance and necessity.

I don’t work for any particular studio, rather I take a lot of joy in collaborations with other healers, coaches, facilitators and movement specialists who’s work resonates and inspires me. Always with people I trust and love.

I share this work because I want all of us to rediscover the wisdom and power of our bodies, develop a tender relationship to our thoughts and emotions and live in ways that nourish ourselves, each other and the planet.

It’s my pleasure to meet you here, in love and service,

Grace x


qualifications & trainings


Dance Studies (cert. in higher education)

Demontfort University, UK, 2008-2009

Barre Concept (accredited instructor)

Barre Concept UK, 2012

300hour Ashtanga Vinyasa TTC (yoga alliance certified)

The Yoga Bubble, Spain 2018

Politics and Philosophy (BA hons. 1st class degree)

Oxford Brookes University, UK, 2009-2012

200hour Ashtanga Vinyasa TTC (yoga alliance certified)

Kranti Yoga, Goa, 2015-2017

50 hour Super Sequencing

Laughing Lotus, NYC, 2016